Schoolhouse Rock Math

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Flickr and Photo Sharing

I personally don't have a Flickr account, or another photo hosting service for that matter. Truth is, I don't take many pictures of things. I'm more prone to videotaping events and then reliving them that way. I have a lot of photos, but most of them are from when I was a lot younger, and nobody want's to see me in my mullet rocking days of the mid-90's, trust me. It's like a bad car crash - you don't want to look because it's stomach churning, but you just can't look away. I looked like MacGuyver's long lost kid, or something close to it.

Anyways, photo sharing seems like a great idea; you just have to be careful what you put out there, because someday you may find that old picture that is, to quote White Goodman from the movie Dodgeball, "a skidmark on the underpants of society." Otherwise, going back to the fact of using it in the classroom, I think it can be a really effective way to help illustrate some of the points you're trying to make, regardless of the subject. You can find places that otherwise woul be on the internet, and use them to emphasize a point, or you could use it as a little humor to throw in with your lesson. Either way, Flickr seems to be very effective and useful, and even though that MacGuyver-like photo may resurface, your class doesn't need to know that.

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